Home » Computer Tweak and Tricks » How to Create Bootable USB without Buying any Software

How to Create Bootable USB without Buying any Software

Things you need:

1. ISO format file.
2. Patience and Understanding.


1. Extract you ISO file in a folder.
2. Insert your USB. Note: Your USB must be larger than your ISO file.
3. Go to Command Prompt.
4. Type "Diskpart" without quote. Wait the disk to load.
5. Type "list disk" This you will know how many disk you have in your computer.
6. Type "select disk" + the number the disk of your USB. Example "select disk 2"
7. Type "clean" then type "create partition primary".
8. Type "active"
9. Type "format fs=ntfs quick" This will format you USB.
10. Type "assign" This will configure your USB letter. Then type "exit"

Considering all the you ISO file is extracted. Follow the steps:

1. Copy all the files inside your USB.
2. Go to Command Prompt.
3. Type the letter of your USB. Example "G:" type it with no quote.
4. Type "cd boot"
5. Type "Bootsect/nt60" plus the letter of your USB. Example: "Bootsect/nt60 g:"

5. Type "Bootsect /nt60 " + yung letter nang USB mo ulet, so "Bootsect /nt60 g:".

There you go. You know have a bootable USB without buying or using any software.

Feel free to feedback if this is working or not. Thanks and enjoy.!

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