Its like when you are in an emergency situation and no one is there to help.What you will do? In our everyday life 1st aid is really an edge for us in surviving, specially when your computer has a lot of important things inside, Like documents, pictures, musics and more specially our personal collections.
Let me discuss to you some brief information about Wise PC 1stAid. If you encounter error in your desktop, cannot open links, hyperlinks cannot be opened, or even you cannot open task manager (this usually caused by viruses), cannot open reg-edit, and most importantly cannot open a web browser. Just few clicks your problem solved.! That's how easy this tool is.
Wise PC 1stAid is an excellent freeware from Users can use it, update it all for free. It is a small compact tool you can easily downloaded. It also intelligently fixes problems of your pc without any worries. You can use this unlimited and even share it to your friends.
I am personally using this tools and it really convinced me that this is really a useful tool we can use anytime unlimited. Without further a do please refer to the pictures below on my example on using this software in fixing my Desktop Error Icon.
1. Open Wise PC 1stAid
2.Click Desktop Error Icon
3.Click fix now and wait. Then done. Its fixed.
Can you believe that in just 3 clicks your problem is solved.! You can share this to your friends and family. Specially tot hose who dont have enough knowledge in fixing common computer probllems.
So stay tuned for more of my sharing.! Hope your learned something useful today.! Enjoy!
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