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Tutorial on how to Make Public VIP Mac Address stable

Hello! Today I will teach you on how to make your unstable VIP  mac address stable. Most of us dont know how to use vip mac address in our wimax devices. We only know how to change mac address and change domains. We dont event think of the word "frequency". But this is the most important thing for our devices. Frequency stands a very important part because it is where we can connect our device's internet speed. We can easy connect to such frequency automatically but we dont notice that some frequencies has speed capping and some also makes our devices unstable. Most of the devices when restored to default has 7 kinds of frequencies they are:

DL Frequency[1] 2507500KHz
DL Frequency[2] 2602000KHz
DL Frequency[3] 2612000KHz
DL Frequency[4] 2638000KHz
DL Frequency[5] 2622000KHz
DL Frequency[6] 2505000KHz
DL Frequency[7] 2510000KHz

We usually get connected to frequency 2622000 even without antenna it is because 2622000 is the most common frequency among the 6. When we are connected to this frequency we hardly get disconnected. It is because it offers capping that balances the mac address speed not to go beyond 3mbps or sometimes not go beyond 2mbps (specially on peak hours) It is called load balancing.

When using a VIP mac, The most important thing is we should connect to the right frequency, no matter what the domain combinations are, it do not matter. But as we use a public  VIP mac address that we all know thousands of users using it, We tend to disconnect to the internet. So today I will teach you how to use Public VIP mac to make it stable always.

1. Access your modem by typing the default IP address, in my case its
2. log in as user:user and generate your mac address and generate you admin password using the tools.
(Im sure you have many admin password generator when you are reading this so no need to provide you one.)
3. Log in as Admin.
4.Go to Wimax and click scan set. There you will see the 7 frequencies. Delete other frequencies except frequency 2602000 and 2622000. Click apply. There you go.! That makes your Public VIP mac stable.

As you browse the internet, you will be connected to frequency 2622000 as default. then if you will download files, you will automatically reconnect to frequency 2602000 this system will allow globe network to automatically executive load balancing.

The process is called load balancing. So enjoy .! Hope you learned something today.!


  1. when i did this my signal strength decreases as well as my link qualities, what went wrong??

  2. cnubukan ko ung step sir pero nawalan lng ako ng browse kahit connected binalik ko nlng ung ibang frequency

  3. very helpful tnx!

  4. how to delete??

  5. ho to delete other frequencies???plss?

  6. very helpful tnx!!!


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