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How to fully use Google?

Most of us here in symbianize is using GOOGLE as the Primary SEARCH Engine, but the question is:


Heres HOW:

Google has become THE icon of the internet. This search engine has so thouroughly transformed navigation of the internet that its name has become a verb. Yet most people do not know how to use this tool to its fullest extent. This TUTORIAL focuses on the advanced commands available on Google. For readability's sake I put search terms inside of <> aside from having it in BOLD Text. So entering 7900gt voltmod into the search field in google will appear in this FAQ as <7900gt voltmod>.

Quotes - The simplest advanced command is the quotation. Google's engine typically ignores word order. Searching for <X Y Z A B C> will return about the same results as <Y B Z C X A>. The results will be slightly different because of how google searches its servers, but it will still look for sites containing these elements regardless of order. Entering <"X Y Z A B C"> will search only for sites containing the string X Y Z A B C, with all elements included, in that order, one after the other.

site - Sometimes you will want to search a site that does not have a search function. Don't worry - google will come to the rescue. In order to search for the string overclock on symbianize.com, simply enter
<"overclock" site:symbianize.com>. No http:// or anything like that is required, just <{search terms} site:{URL}>. Don't forget the ":" between "site" and the url

filetype - Just as you can use google to search on a particlular site, you can use google to search for a specific filetype. To search for PDF files on Intel products search for <Intel filetype:PDF>. The format for this search is <{search terms} filetype:{extention}>. Extentions do not require "." before them. To search for, say, a daa file - search <{st} filetype:daa>.
*NOTE - Google does not go all-out to index every file type. Searches for anything other than .pdf, .ps, .doc, .xls, .ppt, or .rtf (thos listed in advanced search under filetype) will not return vary many results.

inurl - Searches the URL of a site rather than its contents. To search for sites with overclocking related url's - enter <inurl: overclock>. This can be used in conjuction with other searches. For example, <intel inurl: overclock> will search for sites with url's containing overclock for text containing intel.
Similar to this is the allinurl command. This will allow the user to search for more than one word in a url. The search <inurl: overclock intel> will behave like the search above, and <allinurl: overclock intel> will search for both intel and overclock in a site's url.

intext - the intext command searches the actual text of a website rather than its tags. It can get annoying when you search for a word/phrase - find a promising website - then find out that what you searched for is not actually on the site. The intext command solves this. The related allintext works in the same way as allinurl.

.. - the ".." command searches for ranges. Searching for any GPU in GeForce's 8 series can be challanging, so you can input <GeForce 8500..8800> to get results of any Geforce from the 8500 to the 8850.
*NOTE - This search will also search for 8501, 8502... It does not (to my knowledge) allow for incrementing.

- - the "-" or minus command excludes terms from a search. Let's say that you want to search for a game called "World War II" but you want the game and not the War. Many sites about the War will have the word Nazi in them. So search for <"World War II" -Nazi> to search for sites including "World War II" that do not contain the word Nazi.

~ - Including a tilde in front of a word searches for that word and its synonyms. A search for <~angry> will search for angry, mad, furious, etc.


Google cache - When the googlebot visits a web page, it takes a picture of it and stores it on its server. If you have the url of a site that has been taken down, google the url. If you are lucky, google has a cached image that you can view. This is also useful for looking for sites that have been changed recently.

In the right hands Google can be one of the internet's most powerful tools. Knowing exactly what google can do will make finding exactly what you want much easier.

GOOD LUCK and I hope that you will ENJOY using GOOGLE now..

Increase your videocard x2

Restart you laptop and go to BIOS setup. By pressing F2.
While restarting you must press F2 as many as fast as you can.
When your in, follow the steps below.
you should choose the highest value in the screen above.
Save the setting and restart your pc. Thats it :)

Comment for any questions or clarifications. Thanks.

How to Create Bootable USB without Buying any Software

Things you need:

1. ISO format file.
2. Patience and Understanding.


1. Extract you ISO file in a folder.
2. Insert your USB. Note: Your USB must be larger than your ISO file.
3. Go to Command Prompt.
4. Type "Diskpart" without quote. Wait the disk to load.
5. Type "list disk" This you will know how many disk you have in your computer.
6. Type "select disk" + the number the disk of your USB. Example "select disk 2"
7. Type "clean" then type "create partition primary".
8. Type "active"
9. Type "format fs=ntfs quick" This will format you USB.
10. Type "assign" This will configure your USB letter. Then type "exit"

Considering all the you ISO file is extracted. Follow the steps:

1. Copy all the files inside your USB.
2. Go to Command Prompt.
3. Type the letter of your USB. Example "G:" type it with no quote.
4. Type "cd boot"
5. Type "Bootsect/nt60" plus the letter of your USB. Example: "Bootsect/nt60 g:"

5. Type "Bootsect /nt60 " + yung letter nang USB mo ulet, so "Bootsect /nt60 g:".

There you go. You know have a bootable USB without buying or using any software.

Feel free to feedback if this is working or not. Thanks and enjoy.!

Check You PC if it is MAle of Female

Hello.! Today I will share you fun tutorial on how to know if you pc or laptop is male or female. Is that fun? Have you ever thought of that? Well this really exist. Even our pc or laptop has their gender. So lets start and enjoy.!

1.Open Notepad
2.Copy and Paste this.

CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak"I love you"

3.Save it with the extension Gender.vbs
4.Run it and if you hear a Male voice it's a male and If Female voice then its female :-P

  My PC gender is a Girl.! Hahahahah!

Let me know whats yours.!


How to Create a Password Protected Folder without any Extra Software

There are a lot of methods that you can use to create a password protected folder, most of which require the use of some third party software. Using this neat method you can hide your folders with a quick batch script.

It’s important to note that this will not actually conceal your data from somebody that knows what they are doing.

Create Your Password Protected Folder

Before you get started you need to create a folder that will house your password protected folder, this is just an ordinary folder and can be located anywhere and named anything.

Navigate into your newly created folder and create a new Text Document. This can easily be done from the context menu.

Open the document, now paste the following code into the contents of the document:

title Folder Private
if EXIST "HTG Locker" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Private "HTG Locker"
attrib +h +s "HTG Locker"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
attrib -h -s "HTG Locker"
ren "HTG Locker" Private
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Private
echo Private created successfully
goto End

Change the PASSWORD_GOES_HERE text to the password you want to set. Now go ahead and save the file as locker.bat.

Once the file is saved as a batch file you can delete the original text file.

Now run your batch file by double clicking on it–the first time you run it, it will create a folder called Private. This is where you can store all your secret things. When you have finished adding all your stuff to the Private folder, run locker.bat again.

This time you will be asked if you sure that you want to lock the folder, press the “Y” key and hit enter to lock your folder.

You will see that your Private folder quickly disappears.

If you run the script yet again, you will prompted for a password.

If you enter the same password as you set in the script the Private folder will reappear if you enter the incorrect password the script will just Terminate.

Most people don’t know how to show system files, but anybody who has some experience will probably be able to quickly figure it out in the Folder Options.

Also, any ordinary user who unchecks the box will most probably be scared off by the warning message that appears.

The second way someone could comprise the folder is to open the batch file and read your password. It’s definitely not a really secure way to hide your files, but it is fun.
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